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# Sunday, 16 March 2008

    Well its official The Gifford has turned me into a code coverage addict. After he helped me through writing my first unit test using NUnit the concept slowly started sinking in and I'm now addicted to code coverage. Writing NUnit tests is so easy that I don't understand why everyone won't do it, which is causing me to get a bit frustrated with people as it gives me the impression that they just don't care. I can't remember the number of times that I have gotten rather pissed because someone has changed my code and broken functionality and in some cases I've even broken my own code when I've had to go in and make changes after not looking at it for some time. Unit testing can minimize these hair pulling moments by giving you more confidence that what was supposed to be happening before you touched the code still happens after you touched it. If someone is in muddling around in your code and breaks something, you'll know immediately when they check in and the test doesn't pass on the build server. It all comes down to code quality and I have begun to notice recently that code quality everywhere sucks.

    If you're not using unit testing of some sort then I think it just boils down to pure ignorance. Either you see the value of unit tests, but don't know how to write them and are too lazy to exert the effort to learn how, or you are just too ignorant to see the value of them. I fell into the first group. I've always seen how they could be helpful, but never took the time to learn how to do them. In the last couple weeks I've been really thinking about code quality with the product that I am building with a couple partners. We decided to build this product because we had gotten stuck working with another product that we thought had many problems and was a pain to work with. I realized that we were starting to walk down the same path, rushing to get a beta out, sacrificing design and architecture for deadlines. There are plenty of poor applications on the market and I don't want to be contributing to that. I want to produce a quality product or nothing at all because in the long run if we produce a poor quality product then we get stuck supporting that poor quality and our customers are stuck working with it. While assessing quality I kept coming back to our lack of unit testing and the fact that things kept breaking that worked fine the day before. This motivated me to overhaul the build server so that it runs NUnit tests automatically and then uses NCover to provide statistics on the code that is covered by unit tests and the code that is not covered. Then to take it one step further I built a screensaver that runs on the monitor of the build server that displays the overall percent of code coverage from the project in bright flashing red while it is under the coverage goal. (Currently FloFactory is at 9.5% code coverage with a coverage goal of 50%.) I look forward to the day that that text turns green to indicate that we have met our code coverage goal (and then I'll raise the goal).

    I'm sure plenty of people would argue about the value of unit testing, pointing out various short coming with unit testing which I am sure are all valid in certain scenarios, but if you're following a tiered structure for your application, keep your logic out of the UI and keep your data access separate, then you should have an entire service layer that can be unit tested. Does having unit tests mean your code is perfect, of course not. It's not a silver bullet for quality but it is one tool to provide a bit more certainty about an application.

    Where I am really struggling is motivating others to improve their code quality, understanding the importance of testing and getting them to write even one unit test. I realize that unit testing can't cover your entire application, but it's a start and if you start thinking about how you structure your application you'll starting seeing better ways to design things so that you can properly test them using such things as mock objects and inversion of control containers. The Gifford told me once that he goes by the statement "You don't have write unit tests, but don't break mine." Whereas I like this statement, I don't think it motives any one to write a single unit test, so I'm adding onto this by trying to make the statistics more visible. Hopefully if someone checks in code that lowers the overall coverage percent, that they can see very clearly on the build server screensaver, they may feel more motivated to raise that number.

    As for myself, I'm going to keep digging into ways to increase quality so that the final product is stable and worth using. One last thing to point out is that if you plan to get started unit testing and are going to use NUnit then I would suggest picking up a copy of Resharper. It allows you to run your NUnit tests extremely easily from Visual Studio taking some of the headaches out of writing them.

Sunday, 16 March 2008 18:39:55 (Central Standard Time, UTC-06:00)  #    Comments [0] - Trackback - Save to - Digg This! - Follow me on Twitter
Development | NUnit | Testing | Unit Testing
# Friday, 15 February 2008

    Well, I've designated 2008 as the Year of Dave, but unfortunately it may be beginning to fade away. After a few beers with Levi and Nick the goal of the Year of Dave was to do at least one somewhat crazy thing each month. The month of January didn't go too bad as I bought my own pinball machine, which you can see here, and I have gotten plenty of use out of it, but so far the rest of the year has been a bit of a lame duck. The Year of Dave is supposed to be full of fun and excitement, but the major flaw of my plan has been ideas for executing throughout the year. So here's my question to you (all six of you) - if you were single, without any kids and doing alright financially what would you do? This is a totally serious question. I'm sure every one of you has sat around and uttered the phrase "If I wasn't married and didn't have kids I would…" Finish that sentence in the comments below to give me some ideas; otherwise the Year of Dave is definitely going to be an ultimate failure. Even better send all your buddies a link to this post and tell them there's this crazy guy on the Internet who bought his own pinball machine and is looking for other crazy crap to do this year and he needs some more ideas, or post a link to this post on your blog. (It's really easy, you do CTRL+C and then CTRL+V for you lazy readers.) If you have a good idea, I'll buy you a beer. If you have a great idea then you'll start to see some pretty interesting pictures on my blog! If you don't have any ideas then you must be one of those weird people that are actually content with your life. (Which means I don't like you, so stop wasting my bandwidth!)

Friday, 15 February 2008 20:45:11 (Central Standard Time, UTC-06:00)  #    Comments [7] - Trackback - Save to - Digg This! - Follow me on Twitter
Year of Dave
# Saturday, 26 January 2008

    Yesterday afternoon a new addition was added to my family that I had been expecting for some time. As with most new fathers I expect to be sleep deprived for a while. Thankfully this new family member doesn't require me to change any diapers and I can turn it off or trade it in at anytime. Just one of the few pluses of being a S.I.N.K.




Saturday, 26 January 2008 11:33:12 (Central Standard Time, UTC-06:00)  #    Comments [2] - Trackback - Save to - Digg This! - Follow me on Twitter

<2008 April>
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