Scott Hanselman hit the nail on the head with his recent post. It gave me quite the laugh, but unfortunately it is so true (Just like when I watch Office Space). I was told the other day by a coworker that I over engineered a solution because I used an httphandler instead of just making a page. Anyone with a small understanding of ASP.NET should realize that using an httphandler when no content needs to be display is going to be more efficient. This “page” was going to be hit about every time someone accessed the portal and from what I have come across using an httphandler will increase performance by 5%-10%. Considering the development time was only increased by the one minute or so that it took to add the proper section to the web.config I would have to say that in this scenario the httphandler was the best way to go and I think that the solution could only be considered “over engineered” if you don’t understand it. Anyways, I’m beginning to think there is a case of ADD going on in my new environment.
Disclaimer The opinions expressed herein are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in any way.